OK, so it's not that far west, but we are going to Connecticut this weekend. It should be fun. Hopefully, the lake will be warm enough to encourage me to go swimming. The pond at the campground on Memorial Day weekend was warm enough, but it is quite a bit smaller than the lake. The air should be plenty warm to encourage a swim no matter how cold it is.
It's strange how different things can be with a small change in position to the North or West. I fully expect temperatures to be 10-15 degrees warmer. The other thing that may occur is a severe thundershower. That would be fun. Laura has experience a couple distant thunderstorms, but never a direct hit. Loud and frequent lightning strikes are always fun, assuming you aren't on a golf course or anything.
On another note, I was hoping to get my latest photos up to the web before this weekend, but it looks like I won't get a chance. I also have a bunch of videos to post to YouTube when I have the time, too. Of course, that all has to wait until Monday or later, because I have to go home, quickly pack, and hop in the car.
Spring has Sprung!
2 days ago
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