When I was first notified that my website would be migrated to a new "better" server, I had my doubts. Why would a company invest money in something that works well already. That said, it looks like this new server is slower (network wise) and less reliable than the old one. Other than the time that their whole server crashed and I pretty much lost my entire site, the old server served me well. At this point, it's just an annoyance to me, but if people start telling me that the site is inoperable or otherwise unusable, it will escalate in priority.
In running news, I had thought about running the Norman Bird Sanctuary 5k last weekend, but backed out at the last minute. Last night, I convinced my wife that we should run the SNA 5k by the Bay. I hope to set a new PR (better than 21:52), but realistically, I will probably be somewhere in the 22:00 to 24:00. Running-wise, though, I have been feeling pretty good lately. The weather could kill all that, though. If it is hot and sunny, I will probably do poorly. If it is raining, I would probably do better, but running with glasses in pouring rain sucks. In either case, I'm committed now. Wish me luck.
Spring has Sprung!
2 days ago
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