Why is it that when I wake up early, I am always ravenously hungry? Anyone else experience this? I should mention that I don't want to be awake, but I am. I guess the good thing about getting into work at 3:45 a.m. is that I can leave as early as 2:45 p.m. Can that really be considered a "good thing"?
For me, the answer is 'yes'. Any time I get to spend with the family is a good thing. In addition, I had a rough day with Laura yesterday due to her absolute refusal to take a nap. I tried everything in my arsenal but nothing worked. I even tried driving around, which I haven't done for several months. The problem was that she was using all her tricks to counter me and stay awake. Usually, I comply with her simple requests or otherwise placate her at nap time to make sure she is calm and relaxed, and that usually works. A few times, though, the hugs for her bear and moose and book reading and the going potty requests are just manipulation. When I finally put my foot down try to rock her, she throws a fit and ensures that she will be awake for another 20 minutes because of how amped up she gets.
From what I've heard, we have a pretty easygoing baby, so I'm not complaining. Well, I guess this is 'sort of' complaining, but not really. I love my baby and no amount of crankiness will change that.
Spring has Sprung!
2 days ago
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