- Install a third raised bed
- 2011 - Installed and filled with a mix of compost and sand
- Improve fertility/organic matter to the yard/gardens
- 2011 - Added 1/2 yard of compost to existing gardens
- 2011 - Added cedar mulch to flower beds
- Expand flower garden.
- 2011 - Extended cutting/butterfly garden
- Remove maple tree
- Add drip irrigation
- Expand shade garden
- Plant more spring flowering bulbs
- 2011 - Planted 40 red tulips
- 2011 - Planted 40 yellow tulips
- 2011 - Planted 8 Antoinette (light yellow w/ pink streaks) tulips
- 2011 - Planted 14 orange tulips
- 2011 - Planted 60 snowdrops
- 2011 - Planted 40 muscari
- 2011 - Planted 28 assorted dutch iris
- 2011 - Planted 18 scilla
- 2011 - Planted 8 leucojum
- 2011 - Planted 14 yellow daffodils
- 2011 - Planted 31 white w/ pink daffodils
- 2011 - Planted 19 white w/ dark yellow daffodils
- 2011 - Planted 40 white w/ light yellow daffodils
- 2011 - Planted 10 white Thalia daffodils
- 2010 - Planted 20 wood hyacinths
- 2010 - Planted 40 yellow daffodils
- 2010 - Planted 30 white/pink daffodils
- 2010 - Planted 50 mixed crocus
- 2010 - Planted 10 yellow tulips
- 2010 - Planted 10 red tulips
- 2010 - Planted 15 snowdrops
- 2010 - Planted 1 fritilllaria
- 2010 - Planted18 Pink Tulips
- 2010 - Planted 40 Muscari
- 2010 - Planted 20 Drum Sticks (Allium)
- 2010 - Planted 8 Peach Tulips
- 2010 - Planted 18 White Daffodils in pots (for forcing)
- Make low hoops to cover raised beds for winter production
- Start vegetable/annual plants from seed
- Started Onions
- Started Kale
- Started Spinach
- Started Parsely
- Started Lettuce
- Started Black-eyed Susan
- Started Dianthus
- Started Lupine
- Eliminate front yard lawn weeds
- Even out front yard
- Grade soil on the West (high) side of the house to aid rainwater removal
- Install foundation drain
- Add front walk/path
- Add front fence
- Encourage neighbor to replace fence
- 2011 - Neighbor independently replaced fence with no encouragement
- Repair stone wall
- Fill driveway holes and seal
Spring has Sprung!
2 days ago