Bush signed the "economic stimulus" package into law. According to "Economic Analysts," the plan will help prevent the current downturn from turning into a crisis. Yeah, right!
OK. So, I'm always one for the government giving me money instead of spending it on pointless things (missile defense, farm subsidies, etc.) The problem is that they aren't giving me money instead. They are giving me money in addition to spending it elsewhere. Essentially, they are giving me my daughter's future tax return.
I know I am not alone in this thinking. Sadly, I feel that I am in the ever shrinking minority. I personally feel that people shouldn't get something for nothing. Granted, there are some people who honestly and truly can't earn enough to survive, but I feel that is where the fundamental concept of community takes over.
One of the problems with this is that people get stingy with their money when they feel that the poor are already fully provided for through various entitlements (i.e., Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses?). Another problem is that is far easier to give of yourself when you actually know your neighbors. Personally, I don't know anyone who might need my personal help, but I haven't exactly gone looking for them. I occasionally donate time, money and materials to various charity organizations, but I am certainly not immune to the stingy attitude I noted above.
Getting back to the root of the problem, I can't help but feel that the government needs to get it's fingers out of my (and my daughter's) pockets. I don't really want "free" borrowed money so that I can go out and buy something I don't need. I feel like I should put this money in an interest bearing account so that we have the money to pay the absolutely certain tax increases in the future. I figure $1500 ($600 for my wife and I, plus $300 for Laura) compounded annually earning 8% per year gives me about $7000 in 20 years.
Then again, maybe I will just buy a big screen TV.
Spring has Sprung!
2 days ago
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