What do you do when everything tells you that you shouldn't do something? To start, today is a holiday. (Happy President's Day everyone.) By rights, I really shouldn't be here. That is continued with the fact that it is now 5 AM and I am already settled into my chair ready to start my day. Given the fact that I would have been writing this 15 minutes ago, except the front door wouldn't let me pass. I finally had to use a little cat burglar skill. Compound that with the fact that this is my usual day to only work 4 hours, but instead I am working 8... Oh man do you have one 'Unmotivated Bill(TM).'
If I were a smart man, I would go home. I would go out for a 1 hour walk. Upon my return, I would settle into a chair in front of the office computer and browse the internet while I wait for the sun to rise. As the 6 o'clock hour approached, I would climb back into my warm inviting bed where the love of my wife and baby await me. We could eat and play and read and cook and clean and go for a walk together for throughout the entire day. We would have fun.
Instead, I press on. I do my time like a prisoner. I hear the clock tick away the seconds one by one until the moment when I am free. I keep my head down and my ears up and hopefully I will make it through my sentence without getting shivved.
Spring has Sprung!
2 days ago
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