I watched most of the debate last night. There were two things I noticed which I never noticed before. First, Obama stutters and hesitates A LOT. I always noticed his talking style where he sounds like he is calculating and planning his words like he is playing chess. That said, he was full-on stuttering last night. It was almost like he was about to say something and then forgot, for a second, what he was going to say. Oh yeah, and a sub-part that may have contributed to his public speaking difficulties, he seemed tired.
Second, I found that I just couldn't relate to Obama as a person. I make no consideration for status, standing, background, etc., when I assess someone's personality. I don't really care who or what you have been. All I care about is my perception of you. Of course, I am limited by staged television appearances for my assessment. That said, I will use the time-honored metric to say, I could see myself hanging out with Mcain having a beer. I could not say the same thing about Obama.
Now, politically, I would never support someone (Obama) who wants to federalize the health care system, wall street, banking, every aspect of life, etc. Although, come to think of it, it might be nice to have a federal employee to clean my house. It's a mess! I'm just interested in what kind of people the candidates are. That determination gives me a far greater insight into what kind of president each will be. When it comes right down to it, I don't know who will be president. In a highly democratic state like Rhode Island, my vote really doesn't even matter. Obama will win RI whether I vote or not. All I'm trying to figure out now is where to put my money on November 3rd.
Spring has Sprung!
2 days ago
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