Thursday, June 30, 2011

Random Thoughts: Little known facts about me

For a change, I thought I would write up a bunch of things that people might not know about me. I don't know if anyone cares, but here they are:

  1. I never heat up leftovers. I eat them all the time, but I just can't be bothered heating them up. I have been known to eat cold pasta, soup, steak, and anything else you might consider eating as a leftover. 
  2. And on the subject of food, I eat really strange stuff sometimes. I don't know why. Part of it is laziness. Most of it is cravings for certain things. This morning, I ate leftover (yes, cold) fettuccine with tomato sauce in a high-fiber wrap. Two days ago, I ate 3 hard boiled eggs in a wrap with cheese, mayo and yellow mustard. One time, I ate a whole head of red cabbage in a small room with two other people. Another time, I ate a jar of spaghetti sauce for dinner.
  3. On a non-food related note, I walk through at least 3 spiderwebs every day. Every morning I walk out to the chicken coop and open the door. I walk through a corridor between my asparagus and my blueberries for the first web. The second one gets me between the deck and the coop. The third one is between the coop and the run. You would think I would learn and take a stick or something.
  4. When I walk into the aforementioned spiderwebs, I am usually in my underwear. I used to open the chicken coop after I showered and dressed for work. As it got lighter in the mornings, the kids started waking up earlier. Rather than trying to open the pop door, fill the feeder and swish out the waterer while holding a struggling 1.5 year old, I opted to do all that before my shower. Large evergreens, shed, garage and fence pretty much conceal my shame (or lack thereof).
  5. My brain contains a random assortment of some of the most bizarre thoughts and facts ever. I constantly think about all sorts of crazy crap. I don't know if it's a curse or a blessing. Given my level of retention, I'm inclined to think it's a curse. For instance, did you know that Greg Brady (from the Brady Bunch) saved up $109 dollars to buy his first car. He paid $100 for a busted down clunker. The episode did not mention what he did with the extra $9 which bugged me. The last time I saw the Brady Bunch was almost 20 years ago. 
  6. I don't play any instruments. I always loved the piano. Something about the sound; the black and white keys; the shiny gloss of the case; always made me fascinated by it. I know the notes the keys make. I can play a couple random things with 1 finger. That's all. If I had limitless money, I would quit my job and take lessons. But I don't have limitless money...So, given that I don't play any instruments, why are there 3 guitars, a banjo and clarinet in my house?
  7. I really like musicals. Bucking the stereotype, I'm not gay or even metro. I just really like the fun music and dancing and whatnot. I don't like all musicals. Whether they are stage productions or movies, they have to be fun and entertaining. I like Annie, The Sound of Music, Sweeny Todd, and many others. I just think it's a great thing to combine a good story, a great musical score and the energy that goes along with all of that.
Well, is 7 things enough? It is for me right now. I'm tired and want to go to bed.