It seems that most backyard beekeepers give names to their hives. I'm not sure what compels people to anthropomorphize their possessions. It seems most prominent with pets. My chickens don't have names. My oldest daughter named one of them Big Bock and another Little Chicky. I couldn't even guess which is which at this point. Right now naming the hives is not really an issue. I only have 1 hive, so it's not tough to figure out which one I am referring to.
However, it seems that this hobby is self-replicating. Even though all sources highly recommend starting with 2 hives, I really only have "good" space for 1. With some clever screening and accepting neighbors, I could probably squeeze in a total of 5, but I think I would get complaints. There is always the possibility that I could install hives at my in-laws' house. So should I name my first hive so that I could differentiate them in the future?
My first inclination is to just call it "hive #: 1." It seems fitting, but it's a little long and doesn't really roll off the mouth. I could call it something bee-related like "Honey" or "Buzz" but that seems a bit too corny, even for me. How about "Polly" because I really got it primarily for pollination? Maybe... I like it, but I really want to commemorate its significance as my first hive. So, here's my decision... My hive is called "Prime". It is my first (primary) hive and it references my love of Transformers when I was a kid.
Small progress today. It was supposed to be really hot, so I removed the entrance reducer. Also, I added a third medium box. Here is a photo:
Spring has Sprung!
2 days ago
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