Hard to believe we have had chickens for a full year. We went through the cute, fluffy stage all the way to the squawking, egg laying stage in a few months. Now, it's been mostly just feed-water-collect eggs. The funny thing is that it seems like we have always had them.We did lose one out of six. I did a quick post-mortem external check. From what I could tell, her neck was broken. My nearest guess is that she tried to jump down from the roost, landed on one of her sisters and slammed her head and neck into the wall. She had no signs of parasites, was laying well, and seemed active the day before. Oh well, no one lives forever.
Anyway, here are a couple photos I took yesterday in honor of their couple days belated birthday.
A birds eye view of birds. |
Strutting her stuff. |
The stink-eye because I fed them all the swiss chard I had. |
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