I started by making a list of all the things I want to do, categorized so that I could follow some sort of plan. Because of my longstanding interest in yard/garden stuff, I picked that category first. I realized something. This could be a really long list. For instance, I hope one day, in the middle-distant future to purchase a second home/piece of rural land of some sorts. That could count as a yard/garden plan in my mind. What about when I get to the travel plans. Should I say I want to wander Brazil collecting mineral specimens on the same list when I say I want to cut down a maple tree?
Of course, I could. This is my blog. I can do whatever I feel like and you can't stop me. Unless, of course, you're the good people at Google who provide the blogger service; Or a hard core hacker who wants to steal all my secrets buried deep within my generic blog site; Or the government. Those guys can stop you from doing just about anything though judicial legislating, executive orders and incontestable, but overreaching laws.
Back on topic... This is the list of yard and garden stuff I want/need to do in the semi-near term. I know I won't get it done in what's left of this outdoor season. I also know I won't even get it done next year. That said, if you don't have a plan, how can you ever hope to achieve your goals and complete those plans?
So, here is my list of yard and garden plans. I didn't include things that happen every year, like planting and lawn mowing. I plant every year. If I finished the list in 1 year, I would add it, but I don't want to uncross something from the list because I need to do it again.
- Install a third raised bed
- Improve fertility/organic matter to the yard/gardens
- Expand flower garden.
- Remove maple tree
- Add drip irrigation
- Expand shade garden
- Plant more spring flowering bulbs
- Make low hoops to cover raised beds for winter production
- Start vegetable/annual plants from seed
- Eliminate front yard lawn weeds
- Even out front yard
- Grade soil on the West (high) side of the house to aid rainwater removal
- Install foundation drain
- Add front walk/path
- Add front fence
- Encourage neighbor to replace fence
- Repair stone wall
- Fill driveway holes and seal
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