My site is going to move at some point in the not too distant future to a new server. Given the past history and troubles I have had with my site, I am certain that the transition will bring certain doom to my site, at least for a couple days. I think I have everything copied over, with the exception of the databases, but I can't test them effectively until I re-point the domain. I really don't know what I am going to do. If you happen to notice my site completely broken some time in the next month(s), it's probably due to that. I don't know when I will do it, because I would want to ensure that I have a full weekend to work on fixing it, and that isn't going to happen for the next three weeks. Anyway, I really shouldn't have to be concerned about this because my technical abilities would allow me to fix almost anything. The primary reason I have this concern is because I don't have the control that I would like. When it comes right down to it, I guess being out of control in any situation is potential cause for concern.
Spring has Sprung!
2 days ago
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