I have this nagging feeling that I am being nagged. I don't really know why, but I'm in a touchy irritable mood today. Actually, that isn't really true. I have gotten irritated by someone due to his words and his actions. This is made worse by the fact that I am biting my tongue and not saying anything. I don't want to make the mistake of posting too much information in the internet, but lets just say I am not willing to take the risks associated with telling this person off.
That said, how does one succeed in the face of impossible odds? How does one fight perceptions and assumptions to earn the respect and recognition one deserves? How do you know when you should fight a battle and when you should walk away? I feel like my only option is to bend the universe to my will and make others accept me or just step aside and let it pass me by. I feel like I am at a critical threshold and I have no idea how things will turn out in the end. I want rewards without risk. I want change while still having stability. I want freedom but I want routine. All my wants, needs and desires are coming up to a head and I will either break away in a new path, follow a slight bend in the trail or fall off a cliff. Only time will tell which one I choose or, possibly, which one chooses me.
Spring has Sprung!
2 days ago
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