I am really nervous about losing my posts again. Some time in the next couple months my site will be moved to a new server and I'm betting I will lose everything again and have to reconstruct it. I am certainly not looking forward to that.
It is strange to have these thoughts though. My site started as a fun geek-status-symbol. How cool was it that my wife bought me a website? Now, almost no one reads my posts here. Still... I have taken the time to write my thoughts down and now find myself protecting them as if they were a natural piece of my person.
I've never been one to carefully choose my words or think about them before I say them. Anyone who I've offended can attest to that. My written words aren't much better. I try to keep spelling mistakes to a minimum, but I don't really go back and read over what I've written before I post it. Maybe that's why no one reads my site.
More likely, no one reads my site because I have no idea how to get my site out there to people. Actually, that isn't true. I either need something to say and supporting content or I need a lot of friends and family. As far as I know, none of my family ever reads what I write. I just found out the other day that my brother doesn't even have an e-mail address. As for friends, I have always been one to have fewer better friends than hundreds or thousands of casual acquaintances.
Anyway, I guess what I am trying to say is this:
If you like my site, thanks. If you don't, whatever.
I am going to go back up my post database so that I don't lose things again.
Spring has Sprung!
2 days ago
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