I slept pretty well last night, but for some reason I am exhausted right now. I'm also a little punchy too, which isn't good when you have to work until 7:30. Maybe I'll leave a little early tonight. Of course, the irritability was set off when I asked a simple (and I mean really simple) question and got every response imaginable other than the helpful, truthful one. I got, "I don't remember," "I don't know," "I never duplicated that," "I just did what the form says," "I'm not going to drop everything I'm doing to help you," etc. The thing that really bugs me about those responses. I know for a fact that this person could have helped me with nothing more than 30 seconds of thought. He had to remember what he did a week ago and then tell me to look in such-and-such location. After 30 minutes of searching, I found the location to look. I wasted 30 minutes of my work time. Normally, I wouldn't care. If I was trying to kill time or BS'ing, wasting time is fine. In this case, I was trying to squeeze something in to my schedule which shouldn't be there in the first place.
Anyway, I'm just getting more annoyed. I should just go browse the web to calm down a bit. On a plus note, I feel like my calves are going to explode. I ran a good uphill both ways route today with no walking at all. I think I should do well for the pie run. Should be fun. Hopefully it doesn't rain. In fact, I would prefer snow, cold, heat, or just about anything to rain. I would even be OK with a light sprinkle even though it would make it hard as hell to keep my glasses clear. Alright, time to see what's in the news.
Spring has Sprung!
2 days ago
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