Well, tonight is the Relay for Life. It should be interesting. We are expected to get 1-3 inches of rain and 15-30 knot winds. I'm thinking that we really, really need to make sure the canopy is secure. The tent won't go anywhere with me inside, but last year the canopy was lifting up a bit with a light breeze.
It's gonna be real tough to miss my good night kisses from Laura. Dead-beat parents just boggle my mind. I don't know how some people can just walk away from their kids. Unfortunately, I think they reproduce more than good, caring parents so they will soon be the norm. It's scary that a movie like Idiocracy could be a premonition-documentary instead of an all-out comedy.
Anyway, I'm done with my work hours now, so I'm just waiting for my cube-mate to get back so we can make a trip to good, old Ocean State Job Lot for high-salt, high-fat "nutrition."
Spring has Sprung!
2 days ago
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