Did you know that you are supposed to have your oil furnace cleaned and tuned every 12-18 months? I did. I'm also really lazy and forgetful when it comes to doing things which require me to spend money and give me little to no return for that investment. Every year in June, I get a call from my furnace people. They leave a message and I intend to call them back. I put it off until the heating season arrives and then I think, well, another few months wont hurt. I'll do it in the Spring.
The last time I had it cleaned was August 2011. I finally decided, "Screw it! I'm just getting it cleaned." It cost me a little over $200 due to the extra labor because the thing was so dirty. Still, it's usually $135 per year, so that's better than the $450 that I would have spent doing it annually. However, that savings was obliterated.
A couple days later, the furnace shut off. I restarted it, but every time it started up, it was misfiring a few times before it finally stayed running. So, assuming something was screwed up from the cleaning/tuning, I called them back. The guy tells me the power venter is shot, and it's shaking the vacuum safety switch, causing the misfires. Oh, and also, the circulator pump isn't working at all. The new power venter is $355 and the new circulator pump is $170 and the labor was about 2 hours. I didn't even stick around for the bill. I made my wife pay it. So, the long term plan is that I am going to put a chimney up and eliminate the power venter entirely. These things crap out every 5 years, and just provide something else mechanical to fail. Since simple is usually best, I opt for simple. Now, how do I come up with a non-hideous installation of metal chimney pipe right in the middle of my deck?
Spring has Sprung!
2 days ago
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