This year, like every year, I have been planning to put in bulbs. Last year, I followed through on my plan. This year, I am doing the same. Last year, I planted something like 240ish bulbs, of varying kinds. The end result was well worth the cost and effort. If anything, I wished I planted more. So, this year, I'm going to do just that. I have purchased another 320 bulbs, which I will be planting over the next week or two.
I also picked up some tiny chrysanthemums for $.49 each. They probably won't come back next year, but if they do, it's far cheaper than paying $10 for mums which won't come back. I also theoretically have some garlic that I ordered which will need to be planted. After I write this, though, I'm going to go send an e-mail because it is supposed to ship in Sept., which is flying by. I had a bunch of perennial seeds which I was also planning on planting, but I don't know if I can get the bulbs in and seed beds prepared before it's too late. Theoretically, I should have planted them back in late August. Right now is about the latest I could expect them to survive. I suppose I could always save them to plant in Spring.
Finally, I planted some carrots, broccoli, kale, collards, lettuce and spinach. All are quite a bit behind where I would like them to be, except the carrots. We'll see how they turn out.
Spring has Sprung!
2 days ago
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