I have an issue with follow through. OK, I said it. Happy? To explain further, it's not with everything. Also, if I allow myself an excuse/justification, eventually I finish most things... Eventually... Except when I don't.
Personality-wise, I see big projects like chess. I look ahead, assessing actions and results with steps along the way. Psychologically, my brain doesn't differentiate between completing a task vs. thinking about completing a task. This is especially true with leisure tasks.
It gets simultaneously depressing and overwhelming to think about the things undone. I have about 20 pages of a science fiction screen play; 6 parts (chapters?) of a story; a partially disassembled 1938 Cadillac; an unopened gallon of paint for the dining room; a gaping hole in my garage ceiling; the parts needed to make a cider press; etc., etc., etc.
One thing that makes my 'habit' particularly bad is that I am a jack of all trades. I never shy away from learning something new. I like to be self reliant. I don't like to pay someone else to do things that I could do myself. And without arrogance, I can pretty much do it all... electrical, painting, auto repair, writing, computer programming, etc. I see myself as a new Renaissance man.
So what is the point of all this? Damned if I know. I guess I'm just doing a self assessment of my accomplishments in life. I am looking to finish something lasting; a legacy of sorts. Although, I am also considering starting something new. In order to succeed at whatever I do, I need time and a goal plus ongoing motivation to keep progress moving. I need a deadline which I cannot allow to slip. It would also help if I had others awaiting my completion, but I realize that's a lot to expect. As I write this, I just decided that I'm going to brush the dust off some things. I don't want to deprive the universe from what I have to offer.
Spring has Sprung!
2 days ago
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