Any time I have an opportunity to run but decide, "I'll go later today because...", I end up regretting the decision. I could have dragged my butt out of bed at 4:30 when I woke up. I didn't because I figured that I could just run with the stroller since my mom can't watch Laura today. OK, honestly, that isn't true. I didn't because I was tired and didn't feel like running, but I had the thought that I could just run with the stroller later in the day. Turns out, it is supposed to rain for most of the day and it is just starting now.
I know Laura won't melt in contact with water, but I just can't subject her to being rained on for 25 minutes or so just so I can go for a run. At this point, it looks like I will be running after Erin gets home. In theory, the rain is supposed to be much more scattered later today, so that's a plus.
Spring has Sprung!
2 days ago
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