Luke Wilson stars in this hilarious-yet-simplistic movie about the dumbing down of future American society in the year 2505. Joe Bauers (Wilson) is a go-nowhere completely average military librarian who is selected for a military-run human hibernation experiment which is supposed to last one year. Rita (Maya Rudolph), Joe’s female counterpart in the study, is actually a prostitute. She is selected due to a lack of completely average female soldiers. As expected, something goes wrong causing Joe and Rita to wake up 500 years in the future. As explained by voice-over, the bottom end of the intelligence gene pool out breeds "civilized" society. This results in Joe and Rita being the smartest people alive on the planet.
This movie has quite a few laugh-out-loud moments. If you are up for a good stupid comedy, I can highly recommend this one. While the story is simple, there is almost a scary reality to it. At the risk of turning a simple movie review into a social/political commentary, the dumb far out breed the smart. In a short time, geologically speaking, we will be overwhelmed by those who only speak "Slanglish."
From the title, to the description, to the end credits, this movie delivers exactly what you would expect… 84 minutes of mental diversion and some great laughs to boot.
Spring has Sprung!
2 days ago
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