I saw this video, and agree wholeheartedly. This guy says that if the government does nothing, there will be terrible recession, but this stimulus will lead to "unmitigated disaster." Summarizing, he feels that the fundamental problem is that Americans spent, through credit, money they didn't have which overinflated the economy. Now, they can't afford to continue this so the federal government, through stimulus, is trying to keep up the spending. The only possible outcome from this is prolonged massive inflation and economic collapse.
Quite an interesting set of ideas. I feel this way, but I rarely encounter people who have such a clear understanding of common sense. People overspending is bad. The government overspending is worse. Think about the people you've known throughout your lives who made a reasonable amount of money, but always seemed to live beyond their means. They live paycheck to paycheck at best; live by the credit card at worst. The total and absolute certainty with people like this, is is that their house of cards will fall.
Sure, having a nice car, fancy toys and every meaningless distraction of life is fun. If you're lucky, you may even make it through the low times unscathed, only to come out the other side more set in your ways. But really, should our government live like that? Is that what we've become? We have gone from declaring our independence from an overbearing king to getting our treasury bills cashed at a liquor store. Yeah, US!
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