Lately, I just feel wiped out. I could go for a nice long hot shower and a nap... 24 hours a day. The problem is that I can't afford to take time off at work or at home. I have tons of things to get done at work before the contract runs out in May. I also have tons of projects, big and small, to finish (and start, in some cases). I really need a month of time where I can just do stuff around the house followed by a month vacation followed by another month doing stuff around the house. Good luck to me.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Random Thoughts: Mentally drained
Posted by Bill Gauch at 2:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: Random Thoughts
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Random Thoughts: Sick women
Erin and Laura are sick. Laura came down with a dry hacking cough on Sunday morning, which progressed like a cold in reverse. Monday evening she ran a fever, which has persisted. Last night was a little concerning. Erin had her in the shower and she started saying her neck hurt over and over again, and she started crying. Last night she threw up, and this morning she dry-heaved some stomach juices while waiting for her jello breakfast. I called her pediatrician and relayed the symptoms. When I added the symptom of, "My neck hurts," the Dr. said, "Well it's not bacterial menengitus because she would be dead right now."
I am not often stunned into silence, but my words failed me. I had no idea that menengitus transitioned from sore neck to death in 12 hours. Of course, now that I know, I will probably run her to the ER any time her neck hurts everafter.
I stayed home with Laura yesterday because Erin was almost out of sick time. Today was supposed to be Erin's half day, but now she is out cold from sickness herself. Hopefully, my superhuman immune system will keep me healthy. Sadly, though, even though my symptoms are shorter and less severe, I seem to get sick far more frequently now that I have a little petri dish, err..., I mean child.
Posted by Bill Gauch at 7:08 AM 0 comments
Labels: Random Thoughts
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Random Thoughts: WTF RI?!?!?!
OK, I know people, en masse can be pretty stupid. I also know that some individuals can be infallibly stupid. Lastly, I know anyone can do or say some stupid things at times. That said, some of the responses to the Governer's latest necessary budget ideas are some of the stupidest things I have ever heard. I'm not happy about reduced aid to cities and towns, but at least the Governer wants to eliminate some state requirements, to make the town spending discretionary, rather than mandated. There was a quote from a woman who said, "These cuts aren't the right thing to do."
Well, according to a quote from union leader, that is exactly what we should do in RI. Yeah. That's the solution... Lets make it harder for everyone to live here, so we can maintain our socialist government. I think what we need is a good old fashioned Red Scare. Yep. Some rampant parinoia that people are out to destroy us would be just what we need right now.
More seriously, what we need is an across the board spending cut at all levels. Take a printed out copy of the budget to McCoy and have it shredded at the Great Shredding Event. What comes out the other end are the limits of what we should spend. Does anyone in this state have any concept of fiscal conservatism? We apparently need to change our state flower to the bleeding heart. Maybe we should change our state motto from 'Hope' to 'Empty your pockets.'
Posted by Bill Gauch at 3:25 AM 1 comments
Labels: Random Thoughts
Baby Video: Spinning at the aquarium
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="400" height="324"/]
Posted by Bill Gauch at 3:05 AM 0 comments
Baby Video: Pretty Bird
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="400" height="324"/]
Posted by Bill Gauch at 3:03 AM 0 comments
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Random Thoughts: Happy Belated New Year!
I'm not a big for celebrating New Years Eve, resolutions and what-not. I didn't even make time for an obligatory Happy New Years post. That said, my New Years Eve was spent watching TV in bed. For the first time in about 5 years, Erin was awake when the ball dropped. Of course, that was only because I got up to turn off her light and inadvertently woke her up.
New Years Day was fun. It was 11 degrees and 22 MPH winds for the Hangover Classic 5-mile road race through Colt State Park in Bristol, RI. To add to the challenge, the course was covered with lose-packed snow and ice. If all that weren't bad enough, as we rounded past the sea wall, there were small chunks of sea ice being tossed up into the wind by the waves.
Erin and I ran the race together for the first three miles, but she got mad at me when I offered to hold her hat a few times. In my defense, the last time I offered was only a short-term offer while she put her jacket back on at the aforementioned sea wall segment. I ran the last two miles on my own and finished in a respectable 41:44.
I really surprised myself with that time, too. I have added back on the seven pounds I lost this past summer. I had added a couple of those pounds back on since starting my new job. I've only been able to fit in two runs per week as the days get shorter. Now that they are getting longer, I hope to add a third one back in. The last few pounds, though, are entirely blamed on my recent constant snacking. I really suffer from the fact that the twelve ounce bag of Doritos is only two servings for me. As we (I) polish off the last of the Xmas junk food, I expect the scale will swing back the other way again. I hope/plan to drop 5-10 pounds by the end of the month. February 1st is the Super 5K, which I will likely run. Should be fun... weather permitting.
Posted by Bill Gauch at 12:04 PM 0 comments
Labels: Random Thoughts, Recreation